Euratom Invitation to a Conference on Energy Intelligence and the Euratom Treaty

7. august 2005 · Kl. 13:02 Nyhed

on Friday, September 23rd 2005 at 9.30 AM

at the Danish Parliament Building Christiansborg 

in the former Upper Chamber "Landstingssalen"

in 1240 Copenhagen K

The conference conveners are

NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark, The Danish Ecological Council, The Danish Organisation for Sustainable Energy, The Danish Society for Green Technology, The Swedish Anti Nuclear Movement and Friends of the Earth Europe.

The title of the conference is:

Energy Intelligence for Europe

The Euratom Treaty and Future Energy Options:

Conditions for a Level Playing Field in the Energy Sector

The conference has two main objectives:

  • assist in promoting the initiative of an intergovernmental conference on the Euratom Treaty;
  • provide the Danish Government with high quality information and analysis to adopt a proactive policy on the future of the Euratom Treaty.

Among the Speakers and Debaters are

  • Nina Commeau-Yannoussis, Head of Unit of Energy Policy and Security of Supply, European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
  • Peter Brazel, Irish Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government
  • Andreas Molin, the Austrian Environment Ministry
  • Mycle Schneider, International Consultant on Energy and Nuclear Policy
  • Yves Marignac, Director, WISE-Paris
  • Bent Soerensen, Professor of Physics, Roskilde University
  • Tarjei Haaland, Climate and Energy Coordinator, Greenpeace Denmark
  • Christian Kjaer, Policy Director, European Wind Energy Association
  • Antony Froggatt, Independent Energy and Environment Consultant
  • Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Attorney, European Renewables Energies Association
  • Patricia Lorenz, Friends of the Earth Europe campaigner on nuclear issues
  • Rebecca Harms, MEP, The Greens/European Free Alliance 

For further information on the Conference and for updates to the programme, please see the Conference website

The conference fee is 150 DKK (20 €). For information on registration, please see the Conference website



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