Cyberaktion EU skal stramme klimamålene

22. november 2010 · Kl. 12:10 Nyhed

Torsdag den 27. og fredag den 28. oktober mødes EUs stats- og regeringsledere for at tage endelig stilling til, hvilken position EU skal møde op med til FN's klimakonference COP16 i Cancun, Mexico sidst i november. Friends of the Earth har søsat en cyberaktion for at lægge et sidste øjebliks pres på dem for at tage en stærkere holdning i Cancun om:

  • at undgå kvotehandel som middel
  • at sætte EUs 2020-reduktionsmål op til 40 % uden køb af CO2-kreditter
  • at presse andre rige lande til at sikre at Kyoto-protokollen ikke bliver skrottet med udgangen af 2012
  • at binde sig til en fair andel af den klimafinansiering, som er nødvendig for udviklingslandene (min. 200 mia $ pr. år)

DELTAG i cyberaktionen, klik på dette link:…

Herfra kan du sende dette præfabrikerede brev til EUs formand: 

Dear Mr Van Rompuy,

We need to see real progress at this year's UNFCCC meeting in Cancun. The UN negotiations are the best hope of achieving a fair and strong global agreement. This is essential if we are to have a chance of preventing catastrophic climate change.

But Europe is failing to cut its emissions. The European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is failing to deliver the scale of cuts we need and shows little sign of improving. The emissions offsetting that the scheme permits allows companies to avoid cutting emissions in Europe and shifts the burden to developing countries.

Europe plans to push for an extension of this 'carbon trading' in Cancun and to establish a global carbon market. But replicating this flawed mechanism will be disastrous for the climate and for people. It will be an escape hatch for rich industrialised countries which have done the most to cause the problem.

I urge you to:

- Stop European negotiators calling for an expansion of carbon markets. Instead they should push for more effective solutions like investment, taxation and regulation.

- Ensure the European Union unconditionally supports the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and commits the EU to a target of at least 40% emissions cuts by 2020 - without offsetting.

- Ensure Europe takes the lead and lobbies other rich countries including Japan and Canada to support the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol..

- Commit the European Union to providing its fair share of the new and additional public funding of at least $200 billion per year that is needed to unlock the climate talks and support developing countries in developing cleanly and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

I look forward to your response.


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