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How can the private sector be compatible with the green transition?

Købmagergade 52, 1150 København K

Can companies be drivers of the green transition?


The private sector is often involved heavily in contemporary climate and environmental politics and is often seen by strong proponents of a timely and sufficient green transition as somewhat of an obstacle to this transition. But does it have to be this way? And if not, how would companies be different were they to be drivers of the green transition?

Joachim Tilsted is an environmental economist and is currently a student in the PhD programme in Environmental and Energy System Studies at Lund University. In his short research career, he has specialised in the relation between economy and environment aiming for a pluralist and empirically rich approach to these issues. Being the third event in the series, Tilsted will bring in the perspectives from the two preceding events on Ecological Economics and Degrowth, providing insights into how contemporary companies can be truly and long-term sustainable. 

Lars Pehrson has spend the majority of his working life as the chief executive of a bank. While the financial sector is normally not held up as a beacon of social and environmental justice, the bank that Pehrson has spend most of his life building is not your stereotypical financial institution. Instead of zeroing in on short-term profits, Pehrson has with Merkur Andelskasse championed a "value-based" approach to banking where democratic company structures and sustainable investments have been at the forefront. Come if you want to be inspired to join the often overlooked, though sizeable, part of the private sector where short-term profitability is not the first and primary concern.


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