
Discussion night: Corporate business as Usual

Ungdomens Hus
21152 Malmö, Sweden

Meet international experts from Liberia, the Phillipines and Uganda.

On June 10th, NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark) and Jordens Vänner (FOE Sweden) invites you to a discussion night about the UN-treaty on corporations. International experts from Liberia, the Phillipines and Uganda are invited to discuss landgrabbing, the palm oil industry, human rights violations and diminishing civic spaces.

Besides interesting discussions and conversations, coffee, tea and lighter snacks is provided. The event is free and open for all, but with limited seating - so be on time!

When? June 10th. Drop in from 5pm, discussions start at 6pm,

Where: Room Tea/Barbro, Ungdomens Hus, Malmö.


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